Now let’s see five weird furniture designs. Roberta Ramme's chaise lounge contains a desk, flat screen and media storage. In this time where the teens try to do everything at once; this design is perfect for them you can watch TV, listen to CDs, read, talk on the phone, take a nap or surf the internet (even study).
The John Carter's "The Argument Chair" is crafted with nickel plated hardened steel and real leather boxing gloves where you can rest comfortably. In this amazing chair you can watch the boxing fighting serenely (only for fans).The only down side? It costs a punch, $5,895
This strange, freaky and uncomfortably intoxicated-looking shelf unit is named the King of Siam. The creator called mOEbler is a Berlin based designer.
Hand –le How is a doorknob design by Naomi Thellier (Amsterdam designer) who have a different idea about a warm (or maybe a cold?) handshake every time you open the door?
This is definitely the most risky in our series of weird furniture called the 4Legs. In words of his creator Mario Philippona (Dutch designer) a "provocative chair". Definitely the 4 legs give a new meaning to 'bums on seats'.